
In recognition of National Schizophrenia and Psychosis Awareness Day 2024, we invite you to join us for a screening of OUTSIDER, a unique film about a family’s painful journey with mental illness and the unexpected way they found connection. Join the virtual screening on May 23rd, 4:00pm (PST), followed by a thought-provoking expert panel: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82192773202?pwd=WlBUdHpmWnBRZGVrM0ZMT0xScUpFdz09

Build a Canada where people living with early psychosis and schizophrenia achieve their potential.

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While our new website is still under development, we invite you to reach out directly should you have any questions at [email protected].

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  • Schizophrenia and early psychosis are medical illnesses that, like other medical illnesses, have variable expression/effects on symptoms, function and response to treatments.
  • Schizophrenia and early psychosis are caused by a number of different factors; from multiple genetic or environmental factors or from a combination of both.
  • The SSC fully supports the important role of research in all areas related to schizophrenia and early psychosis (biological, psychological, spiritual, and social determinants of health)
  • Persons with schizophrenia and early psychosis are entitled to efficient multi-disciplinary and integrated evidence-informed treatment and community support services.
  • Persons at the early phases of their illness are entitled to real secondary prevention (early intervention and treatment) through specialized first episode early psychosis clinics and their collaborators.
  • Persons with schizophrenia and early psychosis are to be included as full citizens in accessing education, employment, housing, medical services, recreation and social supports.
  • Whenever possible families are essential partners in the care and the treatment and recovery plans of persons with schizophrenia and early psychosis, and deserve respect and support
  • Persons with schizophrenia and early psychosis must be included in their treatment planning, care and recovery plans.
  • Persons with schizophrenia and early psychosis and their families are not to be blamed for this illness.
  • The SSC values collaboration at all levels to ensure that caring, compassion, hope, and recovery remain at the heart of our movement.


Your mental illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does.
