Position Papers and Reports2020-05-22T12:55:20+00:00

Position Papers and Reports

Advocating on behalf of individuals and families affected by schizophrenia and in need of mental health help is an important part of the SSC’s mission. Please see the following position papers and reports for a sampling of our schizophrenia association’s advocacy efforts related to mental health in Canada.

Mental Health Commission of Canada and a National Strategy for Mental Health in Canada

A Call to Action – Canadian Alliance for Mental Illness and Mental Health
SSCs submission to the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s National Mental Health Strategy
National Mental Health Strategy


Diversion, Mental Health and Courts Position Paper
Sub-standard Treatment of Mentally Ill Inmates is Criminal
Treatment, Not Punishment – Diverting the Mentally Ill Away From the Criminal Justice System Position Paper

Early Intervention

Early Intervention in Schizophrenia – Position Paper


Your mental illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does.
